Activities Hiding in Plain Sight

One of the most difficult things for our families has been finding things to do outdoors that don't require a ton of planning and/or money. Here are just a couple that may have slipped your mind, or have never heard of.


Local parks aren't just patches of green; they're vibrant community hubs that offer an array of benefits. From providing a natural escape to fostering social connections and promoting physical well-being, these green spaces enhance our quality of life. Enjoy a breath of fresh air, engage in recreational activities, and savor the beauty of nature—all just a stroll away. Local parks are more than landscapes; they're essential for a healthier, happier, and more connected community. Step outside, explore your nearby park, and unlock the countless benefits it has to offer! Trade the screen for some green and find a park near you

a red truck driving down a road next to a park
a red truck driving down a road next to a park

Fishing Holes

Get outside and cast a line at local fishing holes—hidden gems of serenity and excitement. Whether nestled by a tranquil lake, meandering river, or a quiet pond, these fishing spots offer the perfect retreat for angling enthusiasts or folks that just want to pass the time. Immerse yourself in the therapeutic rhythm of casting, waiting, and reeling, surrounded by the beauty of nature. Local fishing holes aren't just about the catch; they're about unwinding, connecting with the outdoors, and finding solace in the simple joys of fishing. Grab your gear, find your favorite spot, and reel in moments of tranquility by the water's edge. If you don't have any gear, start simple and grab a starter kit

person holding fishing reel
person holding fishing reel